Anatomy of the Breasts
A closer look at the structure of the breast.
Back and Neck Pain
Back and neck pain can interfere with your ability to function. Overuse, overweight, and other problems can cause back and neck pain.
Bacterial Skin Infections
Detailed information on the most common bacterial skin infections, including cellulitis, folliculitis, boils, carbuncles, and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Detailed information on halitosis (bad breath), including causes and treatment.
Balance Disorders
Detailed information on balance disorders, including acoustic neurinoma and Ménière's disease
Baldness, or hair loss, can be caused by many things including aging, hormones or illness. It's more common in men and can be treated with hair transplants or other procedures.
Barrett's Esophagus
Barrett esophagus is when the normal cells that line your food pipe (esophagus) turn into cells not usually found in your body. The new cells take over because the lining of the esophagus has been damaged. The new, abnormal cells are called specialized columnar cells.
Basic Anatomy of the Heart
Located almost in the center of the chest, the adult human heart is about the size of a fist.
Being a Caregiver
A caregiver provides assistance in meeting the daily needs of another person.
Bell Palsy
Bell's palsy is an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis that begins suddenly and gets worse over 48 hours. It is caused by a damaged facial nerve.