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AMH Auxiliary Seeking Wheelchair Sponsorships

Four More Recently Purchased by Community Members

The AMH White Cross Auxiliary is continuing in its mission to replace all of the hospital's old wheelchairs with newer Staxi wheelchairs in its “Wheels of Love” campaign.

The Auxiliary has added four new chairs recently in addition to the 10 that were purchased early last fall.  The new chairs were sponsored by or in honor of three former employees and a White Cross Auxiliary member/hospital volunteer. 

Art and Jo Greenwood purchased two chairs. Jo is a retired chaplain of Alton Memorial and worked at AMH for 13 years. One of the chairs was purchased in honor of their daughter, Holly Rain, who worked more than 20 years at AMH as a nurse in OB and has also volunteered.

A third chair was purchased by Ken and Tina Aldridge. Tina formerly worked in Human Resources and served 19 years at AMH.

Fred and Rose Lammers purchased the fourth chair, Rose is a volunteer at the information desk, in the gift shop, and is also a member of the White Cross Auxiliary. 

Sixteen of the new chairs were originally purchased by the Auxiliary in 2019. The chairs are much easier to use than a standard wheelchair, with a handle that needs to be squeezed to make the wheelchairs move forward, and then let go to stop. The arms can be lifted and moved out of the way to make it easier for patients to get into the chair from the side, if needed. The footrests can be moved up and down but are non-removable. 

If anyone is interested in sponsoring a chair, please contact Meg Dorris at 618-530-7006 or Irene McLaughlin at 618-530-8589. A company name, in memory of, or in honor of can be displayed on the name plate on the back of the chair that you sponsor. 

Top photo at right: Art and Jo Greenwood and their daughter, Holly Rain, with the two Staxi wheelchairs purchased by the family. Second photo at left: Rose and Fred Lammers with their wheelchair.

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One Memorial Drive
Alton, Illinois 62002

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Alton Memorial Hospital